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Become a Partner! Together, We'll End Hunger in Kentucky

Tyler Offerman

I’m Tyler Offerman. I'm the Food Justice Fellow with Kentucky Equal Justice Center. I believe that every Kentuckian, whether black, brown, or white deserves to live free from hunger. Every day, I work with people who are directly impacted and with community partners to challenge policies that lead to hunger in our Commonwealth.

In Kentucky, 644,540 of our neighbors are facing hunger. 1 in 6 children in our communities aren’t getting the bare minimum of food they need. This is why I’ve worked diligently with allies to revive the Kentucky Food Action Network (KFAN). This statewide network focuses on creating an accessible and resilient food system that prioritizes the health of all Kentuckians, from producers to consumers.

Through KFAN, I have the opportunity to bring together stakeholders with a variety of connections to local food systems, including recipients of SNAP and WIC, farmers, grocery store workers, food bank coordinators, chefs, and more. Together, we work collaboratively to bring about change through public policy and community engagement.

Tania Whitfield, a KFAN steering committee member, reflected on her involvement:

“In 2020, I was invited to check out KFAN. I enjoyed it immediately. Meeting with different people, learning about different topics. Over time, I grew as a person, a mom, and a community leader. Even though I don’t have a fancy title or career, I’m proud to serve my community and keep moms in my community informed.”

It brings me so much joy to get to work shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders like Tania who are committed to ending hunger in our community. Will you help me continue to lift up the voices of Kentuckians and end hunger by donating today?


Tyler Offerman

Food Justice Fellow


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